I love making flowers. Ribbon flowers, fabric flowers….you-name-it flowers. But I had never made zipper flowers. They’re fun and easy, and they make a real statement!
Pleated Flower DIY Tutorial
This pleated flower sewing tutorial. This makes a beautiful addition to any bag, or could even be attached to a headband or brooch.
Learn to Sew a Hexie Flower
English Paper Piecing (EPP) is one of the oldest piecing techniques and simply means using paper as temporary backing in order to get precise seams. You can create any number of shapes with this technique, but there's a reason that the humble hexagon is so popular - hexagons fit together in a number of pleasing combinations and the corners make for easy basting. The small size of the hexagons can put a surprisingly rapid dent in your scrap pile.
How to make Felt Flowers - Daisy
Just in time for Valentine’s Day. A bouquet of red roses and daisies. Perfect for my yellow-brown thumb. :) 12 lovely roses and I’ve added 12 daisies. For these I haven’t found any pattern so here you can find my tutorial for making them.
Joanie’s Market Bag Tutorial

Hexagon Flower Tutorial Patchwork

This is so perfect small project for summer! you don’t need sewing machine or any cutting tools. All you need is fabric, scissors, thread, needle and paper (templates for hexagons). Filling can be the same as there is in the pillows or even cotton.
Quilting Bag Rose. DIY tutorial.