Oh I have knitted herds of these cute lambs!
Most of them hopefully found safe new homes because we tended to lose them on playgrounds, airports, taxis, supermarkets and friends houses. I never minded.
Because they are so much fun to make and it is such a heartwarming feeling to bring them to life with your very own handworking hands.
Waldorf Knitted Lamb Toy Tutorial
Big Loop Knitted Hat Tutorial
Oh I know I know...none of us want's to talk about fall and winter yet, but fact is, the nights are getting colder and the season change is lingering in the air.
But I have something for you to sweeten the farewell of summer:
A super cozy and chunky hat tutorial.
So fun to make and wear!
How to Knit: The Basics
How to Knit: The Basics Slipknot, Casting on, Knit stitch, Casting off. While the following guide by no means encompasses everything there is to know about knitting (that could fill an entire book!), these simple steps will help you get off the ground.
Knitted Clutch Bag. Free Tutorial
A couple of hours and you will have a trendy staple to match your casual jeans-&-t-shirt outfit or even a fancy one. It’s up to you to decide which color to choose. And if your choice will be black and some matching color than why not wear it with a dress?
Knitted Clutch Bag Tutorial
This a great example of what you can do with all the leftovers from your previous knitting projects. I had a box full with all kinds of small wool balls and it drove me nuts what they were wasted like that.
Easy Zipper Box Bag Tutorial | Crochet | Sewing, DIY Pouch