Showing posts with label Pincushions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pincushions. Show all posts

English Paper Pieced Pincushion Tutorial

English Paper Pieced Pincushion Tutorial

English paper piecing is a technique where the fabric patches are first basted to paper templates and then stitched together by hand (I use a whip stitch).  Once all sides of a patch are sewn, the template can be removed and reused.  It’s simple and addictive, and can be done almost anywhere.

Round Pincushion Free Tutorial & Pattern

Round Pincushion Free Tutorial & Pattern

I’ll be showing you today how to make a Round Pincushion.  Don’t worry, if you don’t have a use for another pincushion, these also make great children’s toys or can even add a small pop of color throughout your home.

Makin’ Pincushions… Filling up the cushions!

Makin’ Pincushions

Filling up the cushions!

In this batch I made some regular old tufted tomatoes and a few apple and pear shaped cushions. They all start out the same way. Cut the fabric, interface and stitch. One tip for assembling the cushions: first sew together each half, then sew the halves together leaving a space to insert the filling. It’s the best way to match the points.

Makin’ Pincushions: Assembling the tomatoes

Makin’ Pincushions: Assembling the tomatoes

The tomato cushions are a bit more involved to assemble, but they’re my favorite to use. In my example I’m using contrasting yarn to tuft the cushion and I used a shank-style button on the top. It’s a bit easier to tighten and secure the yarn if you use the 4-hole style button on the top, but I like the shank-style buttons more, looks-wise.

Makin’ Pincushions: Trims and stems + Tufting the fruit

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

Once all of my cushions are filled, they’re ready for trimming! This is my favorite part – I get to paw through my stash of buttons, yarn and felt. I love wool felt – it feels nice an beefy and the colors seem more vivid. I buy most of my wool felt (actually a wool/rayon mix) at Treadle Yard goods in St. Paul. They also carry some nice bamboo/rayon felt that is softer and more flimsy, but comes in great, bright colors. I also use a few flannels and wools for trimming.

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

 I discovered English paper piecing at the beginning of this year. All you need is a few small scraps of fabric, you can cut the templates yourself, you always have a needle and thread in the house anyway and it's great for sewing on the sofa in the evening. The possibilities are almost endless ...

Pinwheel Pin Cushion Tutorial

Pinwheel Pin Cushion Tutorial

How to Sew a quick easy pinwheel pin cushion. 

Wrist Pin Cushion Pattern & Tutorial

Wrist Pin Cushion Pattern & Tutorial

How to sew a DIY Wrist Pincushion. Wrist Pincushion: Tutorial! | Free Pin cushions patterns

DIY Apple & Pear Pincushions

DIY Apple & Pear Pincushions

Sew Your Own Pincushion With These Free Patterns! | Apple & Pear Pin cushions free Tutorial.

Pincushion Caddy Tutorial

Pincushion Caddy Tutorial

I had seen some pictures of a pin cushion caddy, and my secret swap partner had included a photo of one in her inspiration mosaic, so I decided to try my hand making one for her.  

Star Pincushion Tutorial

Star Pincushion Tutorial

These pincushions are so fun to make!  You can make them simple, with one or two fabrics, or scrappy!  Embellish them with hand embroidery or machine quilt them!  They would make a great gift or swap item and are a great way to use up scraps.  Ok, let's get started!  :)