He took out the iron, laid it on the table, ironed it - and all the cases, a good design!

We need to make a pattern. To do this, we will create the template ourselves. Draw a rectangle on paper with sides of 54.5 and 42.5 cm

On the sides of the rectangle, we mark the central points. Stepping back from the sides of a rectangle of 14.5 cm, we draw another rectangle

Next, we draw, mark according to the drawings, from the photos below

We transfer the pattern to the fabric. The handbag is made from two layers of fabric and substrate, you can use an old blanket or blanket. On the sides it is bent, sewn handles (35 to 2.5 cm) and buttons with hinges, as shown in the photo

Awesome caddy. Hoping to be able to make one like it. thanks.