Darkness is the darkening of the New Year's decor, a sea of ideas in a selection on the actual pre-holiday theme. Christmas trees, snowflakes, toys made of felt, topiary, interior decorations ... What's not!
Toys for Christmas and New Year
- toothpaste (white)
- small capacity
- deep plate with water
- a rag
- sponge
- bottle-sprayer with water
- paper snowflakes

In order for the most part of the window to be transparent, we put a little water on it with a sprayer. Dip the sponge into the diluted toothpaste and apply a tampon to the glass.

Wait a few minutes until the paste dries and discard the paper snowflakes.

Santa Claus - a toy of felt

Volume of paper snowflakes

Strawberry herringbone

Snowman of pompons

Herringbone of napkins

New Year's Topiary

Новогодний топиарий. Christmas Topiary

And many, many New Year's ideas

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