old flip-flops, thongs, zoris, sandals (whatever you call them)
old cotton terry cloth towel
1/4 yard polyester batting
1/4 yard faux leather
coordinating thread
sewing machine
fabric scissors
kitchen shears
upholstery straight pins
water-soluble fabric marker
tape measure

1. Cut off the thong part of the flip-flop. My kitchen shears were the only scissors I had that were strong enough. With a pencil, trace each sandal onto the back of the faux leather, which will be the sole of the slipper.

2. Measure 5/8-inch around the outside and mark with dots. Connect the dots. This is the seam allowance.

3. Cut out the faux leather along the outer line.

4. Trace the leather cutout onto towel with fabric marker. Cut them out.

5. Do the same thing with the batting.

6. Measure around the outside edge to determine the length of the side pieces.

7. Measure the height of the thickest point of the sandal to determine the width of the side pieces.

8. For the side pieces, cut two strips of towel. They should be about two inches longer than the circumference of the sandal and 1-1/4 inches wider than the height of the sandal (height + 5/8-inch seam + 5/8-inch seam). I also cut the same size strips in the batting, but ended up not using them because of thickness problems. You’ll see.

9. This is where some guesswork comes in. For the top pieces, draw around the outside of the leather pattern, flaring out a bit toward the heel, which will accommodate your foot. Then draw another line 5/8 inch outside of that line (for the seam) and cut out.

10. Cut four top pieces. You can use the same pattern for all of them because the towel is reversible.

11. Cut out two pieces of batting the same size.

12. Trim off about 5/8 inch from the bottom so they’ll fit inside better.

13. All the pieces you need are now cut. (I discarded the thin strips of batting in this photo.)

14. Sew the bottom edges of the top pieces (5/8-inch seam allowance). Turn right side out and insert batting.

15. Sew the top edges together with the batting inside (1/2-inch seam allowance).

16. Sew the footbed pieces to the batting (1/2-inch seam allowance).

17. Starting at the heel, sew the thin strips of towel to the outside edge of the faux leather sole (1/2-inch seam allowance).

18. Make sure you start with the short edge folded back in the correct direction, then overlap the other short edge at the end. Hand sew the two ends together. I used a whip stitch.

19. Snip out triangles from the seam of the sole. This will help it bend correctly when it’s turned right-side-out.

20. The layers were too thick for straight pins, so I used large binder clips to attach the top piece to the foot bed. Place the sole upside down on top of the other two pieces.

21. Sew all three pieces (top, foot bed, and leather sole) together in one seam (1/2-inch seam allowance)—leaving the heel open large enough to insert the flip-flop.

22. Turn right side out and insert the flip-flop.

How to sew home slippers with your own hands
Sewing home slippers with your own hands is quite simple and it takes a little time. Just follow our step-by-step instructions exactly.

On a sheet of cardboard, draw the outline of the foot. Around the outline, outline 1 cm wide allowances.

Using a centimeter tape, measure the height of the foot at the upper edge of the slippers. Along the top line of the slippers, draw a horizontal line along the measured height. From its ends, draw a semicircle enveloping the contour of the sole. Add also 1 cm of allowances. In the mirror image, transfer the lines of contours and allowances to another sheet of cardboard. Make 2 patterns individually for the top of the slippers and for the sole (symmetrically for the left and right legs).

Open 1 piece for the right and left legs made of non-woven fabric for the top and for the sole, then cut 2 parts for the right and left legs made of fabric for the upper and the sole.
Fold and chop three identical pieces together. Turn over the straight edge of the top of the slippers with a finished oblique trim.

Excellent tutorial ty