socks with a high cuff - 1 pair;
filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, cotton wool);
pink felt;
cotton sewing threads;
thick kapron thread;
needles are short and long;
Soft toy "Bunny" sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials

We turn one sock on the wrong side, put the heel upward with the cuff to ourselves. We outline the lines along which the details of the trunk and hind legs of the bunny will be performed.

We twist the second sock in the same way and put the cuff down. We outline the contours of the toy head with a pencil.

We cut off the cuffs from this toe, stepping back from the heel 2 cm.

On this detail we outline the front legs of a soft bunny.

We sew and stuff details.
We sew on a typewriter or manually all the elements of the toy along the intended lines.

We cut the details, stepping back from the seams.

We turn out all the details on the front side.

We fill the bunny’s body tightly with the filler, details of the forelegs.

We fill the head, stitch it along the edge with stitches and tighten it tightly.

Having turned away the cuffs on the details of the body (neck), we sew the head to it.

The cuffs are returned to their original position. It turns out a neat neck.

We make the button fastening of the front paws.
In a long needle we stretch a thick kapron thread.
We introduce the needle into the place where the paw will be attached, and output on the opposite side. String a button on the needle and insert the needle in the opposite direction. We display it in the place where it was originally introduced.

We string the second button and tie the ends of the thread together very tightly. To make the fastening more reliable, we tie one knot, then circle the thread around the paw and tie another double knot.

The ends of the thread are cut. The buttons made by button fastening rotate around its axis.

We make a face of a hare.
Sew on two buttons, thus forming the eyes.
From a felt of a single color, cut out the detail of the nose and sew it with stitches.
Embroider the mouth with a dark thread.

Soft toy bunny from socks is ready. If desired, you can decorate it with a variety of decorative elements: beads, buttons, bows.

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