a small purse purse with a front pocket (on the tummy) and a zipper from behind.
Pattern when printing on sheet A4. The size of the finished owl is 13.5 * 11.5 cm.

Buttons 2 pieces
Magnetic or sewing button
Semi-ringFor stiffening, make the body of an owl two-layered - you will need to cut 2 parts for the back and two identical parts for the front of the purse. Wings of an owl and a pocket on the tummy, too, make two-layered. Each winglet (both right and left) must be cut in 2 copies. The pocket also needs a carving (2 pieces).I performed all the stitches on the machine, but you can sew the owl manually, without using a sewing machine.On a pussy in an owl pocket. That the necessary things from a pocket did not drop out, on a wing the button is established.

We begin with a muzzle. Sew our eyes to the muzzle crosswise, as in the photo:

We take the front part of the body and put a muzzle on this part. I patted my face immediately on two layers of felt, but you can make the entire application on one layer.

We sew a nose on a muzzle:

Sew the second part of the nose on the muzzle:

The muzzle is ready, go to the wings. Each winglet consists of two layers of felt.
We begin with the right wing, we sew two details.

On the right wing there will be a button on which the pocket on the tummy will be closed. A magnetic button must be installed before sewing the layers. The place where the button will be installed can be sealed with non-woven fabric.

Install the button:

The second part of the button is set to the muzzle. The button should be between the nose and the pocket:

We pass to the pocket. The pocket consists of two layers. Sew two layers of the pocket on the top edge. On the pattern this seam is marked in blue.

For the remaining perimeter we sew the pocket to the body of the owl:

We pass to the back of the owl's body. It had to be found in duplicate. On this part of the calf we will sew a zipper. To sew a zipper, it will be necessary to make a hole and a cut, like on a pattern.
To make it more convenient to use a purse, make a small valve. In a stitched form, this valve will look like this:

First we sew one side of the valve below the cut:

The second seam is made above the cut.

Let's go on sewing the zip fastener. That's how the zipper should look like regarding the valve and the main part:

The finished sewn zipper should look like this:

We decorate the wings with feathers and sew them to the front part of the body. The left wing is sewn in such a way that the magnetic button is closed.

Before the final stage - stitching the details of the body, you need not forget about the tongue for the semicircle. On the pattern these places are marked with dashes.

We make the final seam. The owl is ready :-)

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