How to Sew a Felt Wallet / Purse. Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial 
Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

We need:
- Grey or any other color hard felt, not very thick - 1-1.2 mm;
- Cloth, leather, suede or any material of your choice for the decorative inserts;
- Zipper 15-16 cm;
- Metal clasp any convenient design;
- Seals;
- Yarn, needles, scissors;
- Iron;
- sewing machine;
- Printer for printing patterns.

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Cut out all the parts along the solid lines. The dotted line marked seam lines and markings. It is desirable to transfer to the material when cutting.
Prepare the necessary materials - felt, fabric and seals.
All parts are made of felt can be cut without any additional, in addition to marked, seam allowance, in addition to the basic - the internal and external walls, on which I would recommend to leave about 1 cm allowance for the final level trim.

The duplicate cut out sidewalls parts for inner pocket with zipper, all the rest - in a single copy.
Detail of fabric cut on the inner perimeter of the frame of felt to the outside, with an allowance of 1 cm.

Seal for insertion of tissue cut in the same way, but without allowance.

To insert the tissue I used a soft seal obligatory on the basis of the adhesive.
Glue to seal iron-on fabric inserts:
Now combine the insertion of fabric felt frame
Now you can stitch the perimeter.
Now it was the turn of the second seal. This is a special seal for bags, thin, but very hard. At the touch of the upper side of the adhesive does not like a tight skin.

Cut out the seal on a couple of millimeters smaller frame felt - that it is not protruding from the seam.
Glue iron.
Now we proceed to the design of the inside of the wallet. Let's start with the pockets. First pave decorative stitches on the upper sides (wherever there is a semi-circular cut-outs) of all parts of pockets and side parts.
We combine the details of the pockets in accordance with the scheme on the pattern.
And consistently sew them to each other to form a two-piece unit with pockets.
Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial
Tries on the blocks to the main details of the inside of the wallet. Focus on the layout, it will to make it exactly.
The internal part is ready, let us zip pocket.
We combine the first zipper with one of the two parts and tack.
Then, without cutting the thread, on the other hand put a second part, also combining it with the zip and tack on the second circle in two parts at once.
This is on the outside:
And this is - on the inside:
Trim the ends of zippers. Stitched by each other two parts of pockets on the perimeter and inside the trimmed along the seam.
It now remains to be folded in half pocket and put another line:

Now combine with the side panels.

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial
Most of the work has already been done, it is necessary to connect all units details and set the lock:

We combine the inner and outer sides of wallet:
Now, we pay special attention to the marks on the seam line - stitched by the perimeter, not closing it in the places designated by the marks! In the photo shows where you need to leave the unclosed edge:
Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial
Now, take a zippered pocket with side panels and sew it between the labels, adding the missing lines:
Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial
Bend your wallet and add the remaining two lines on the sides, it is desirable to pre-tack them to smooth out a line.
Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial
Everything is ready, it remains only to cut off the excess felt along the seams
Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

Wallet sewing pattern / tutorial, felt wallet pattern. DIY Photo Tutorial

How to Sew a Felt Wallet / Purse. Tutorial

Site-Source: here
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  1. Do this project has to be made with thick hard felt or can i make it in leather and still get the same great look as if it's felt? Thank

  2. Hi, it is a very nice project. I would like to try it. But I have trouble with the seal material. What is it? Kind od plastic? Do you have any link so I could read a little more about it? Thank you :)

    1. I bought it on Ebay. They are available in 2 weights. I think it might be this one

  3. You have a wonderful blog. So many well written tutorials!
    I'm an old, old seamstress from yesteryear.

  4. Can this be made entirely of Leather or faux leather?

  5. Hi there do I find the pattern to download was looking forward to trying this out. Looks great
