Fabric sizes are approximate. If you are new to sewing, you may want to use larger pieces to make turning curves easier.
• body fabric – 10”x20”
• beak fabric – small scrap, 5”x3”
• wing fabric – either 7”x24” or 14”x12”
• crown fabric – small scrap, 5”x8”
• feet fabric - 4”x10”
• coordinating spool of thread
• polyester or wool toyfill
• 4 small buttons, safety eyes or felt
• embellishments [optional]
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• small hand-sewing needle
• scissors
• pinking shears [optional]
• lacquered chopstick or turning tool
• fabric pins
• hera marker or fabric pen

For this step, you will need your crown fabric, template, a marking tool, turning tool and scissors.

Place your scraps together with right sides facing. Then trace your template onto the fabric. Leave the bottom section unmarked

Using the outline a guide, sew exactly on the line that you have traced. Use a smaller stitch for smoother curves. Do not sew the bottom straight edge closed.
Tip: If your machine has a down needle position, turn it on to help with corners.

After you have finished sewing, cut out the crown leaving approximately a ¼” margin. Notching around the curves will produce a better result.

Turn the crown right side out. Using your chopstick or turning tool, push out the fabric and smooth the curves.

Topstitch around the edge of the crown, again leaving the straight edge at the bottom open. Before you turn each corner, make sure you leave your needle down.
Tip: If you have a ¼” foot, you can use this as a guide to keep your stitching even.

Embrace the wonkiness. This gives you chicken more character.

Begin by placing one side of your body right side up on the table. Then place the crown near the top edge of the fabric.

Mark the edges of the crown with pins. Place one pin on each side, one at the top and one at the bottom. This will help ensure you’ve properly aligned the crown on the head in the next steps

Next place your body fabric over the crown creating a small sandwich with right sides facing.

Flip the fabric over to reveal your crown marking pins. Add one more pin through all pieces of fabric for stability.

To trace the body of the chicken onto the fabric, the crown must be properly placed. The sides need to be inside pattern and the bottom opening needs to be outside. Use your pins as a guide to help you with this step

When the template is properly placed, you should only see a single pin which is the one closest to the edge.

Trace the body, leaving the a gap at the marked opening.

Using a small stitch width, sew exactly on the marked line. Continue around until you reach the edge of the opening. Be sure to leave a gap large enough for turning and stuffing.

Trim around the outside of your sewing leaving a ¼” margin. Notch your curves for a better result.

Tip: the top of the head will be very thick with multiple layers of fabric due to our crown and topstitching. Do not try to cut this with your good shears. Use older blades or something designed for thick fabric.

You should not notch around the bottom opening. This will make it easier to hand stitch closed later.

Turn the body inside out through the opening. Check that you’ve properly caught the bottom edge of the crown and haven’t sewn the sides. Tip: Use your chopstick or turning tool to push out the point of the tail. You shouldn’t have to use force. If it’s stuck, gently roll it between your fingers and then try again.

Using very small pieces, stuff your chicken body. Use a chopstick to push the pieces into the tail point. Tip: smaller pieces of toyfill work better than large ones. I usually open my bag of toyfill and pull it into very small pieces before I stuff.

Using a ladder stitch, hand sew the opening of your body closed.

Attach the chicken’s eyes. Double button eyes are shown, but you can use your imagination. Felt or safety eyes are the best options for small children or anything that will be within reach of pets.

As we did with the crown and body, place the wing fabric with right sides facing and trace the template.

Using a small stitch width, sew around the wing outline. Cut out the wing with a ¼” margin and notch around the curves.

Use a tiny amount of toyfill to stuff the wings. Do not overstuff these. Ladder stitch closed the wing.

To attach the wing, align it on the body pointed upwards. Use a backstitch to hand sew the wing to the body.

Allow the wing to flop down and attach the other side.

Fold the short edge of your beak fabric over ¼” and stitch down.

Repeat with the other side

Beginning in the center of the fold, create a small diamond in your fabric.

Cut out the diamond, squaring off the ends.

Use a chopstick or turning tool to help turn the beak right-side out.

Beginning with the center, handsew the beak in place. Use a backstitch in the center and ladder stitch around the sides.

Repeating the process we used for the wings, place the leg fabric with right sides facing. Trace the foot. Sew directly on the traced line leaving a gap for turning.

Stuff the foot with a bit of wadding.

Use a ladder stitch to attach the back half of foot in place.

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